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True Disciple

Once, a small village was affected by draught and famine. The villagers were already deprived and were facing a tough time.  Their condition worsened day by day. Hence the villagers started visiting the temple thrice a day and worshipped God to ward off the draught and famine from the village. They organized prayers in big scale. But their prayers went in vein.

There was an old priest in that village who was a sincere devotee of God. At one stage the priest couldn’t tolerate to see the villagers suffering. He wondered why God was not listening to the sincere pray and plea of the villagers. So, he observed serious penance towards the God for the sake of the villagers. The next day God appeared at his dream. The priest asked the God why he is not paying attention to the sincere prayers of the villagers and pleaded the God to ward off the famine and draught from the village and make the villagers happy. But the god replied to the priest that the prayers of the villagers were not true and they are not true devotees, hence he didn’t pay attention to their prayers. One can fool around everyone but not the God. Anyhow the God was appeased by the true devotion and sincere prayer of the priest and as a result warded off the famine and draught from the villagers. But the priest couldn’t make out why the prayers of villagers were not sincere.

As the village was warded off from the draught and famine, the villagers became very happy and they living standard gradually began rich. Thereafter the villagers decreased their trip to the temple and their prayers as well. At one stage the villagers were totally reluctant to visit the temple as their life went on very well.

Now the priest could make out the insincere prayer and devotion of the villagers. He also conclude what the God deemed by true devotion. The priest now realized that most of the people approach the God only to fulfill their desires and they forget the God easily once their desires fulfilled. We must remember the God irrespective of our life condition. We must thank the God for whatever he bestowed upon us and thank him for the strength and self-confidence given by him to face every kind of obstacles in our life.

Guruji A. Sivaguruswamy
Phone / Whatsapp – 9963334337, Skype – sivaguruswamy29
45/2, Opp. Railway Station, Sirkali Taluk,
Vaitheeswaran Koil, Naagai District, Tamilnadu – 609 117


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