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Saint Durvasa

Saint Durvasa was an ancient saint. He occupies a predominant position in the history of sages. He is a well known sage of Satyug, Tretya Yug and Dwapar Yug. Saint Durvasa was an incarnation of Lord Shiva. He was also known for his bad temper. Although he was respected for his knowledge and wisdom, everyone was scared of his anger. He had a habit of cursing people over small mistakes. But his anger was always short-lived and he himself used to tell the remedy to cut the effect of curse.

It is believed that, Saint Durvasa was an incarnation of Lord Shiva. He was the son of Sage Atri and Anusuya. Sage Atri was the human son of Lord Brahma and her wife was a loyal and a faithful women. One day Goddess Saraswati, Lakshami and Parvati decided to challenge Anusuya’s loyalty towards her husband. All the three goddesses compels their husbands i.e Lord Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva to test her loyalty.

Anusaya’s maintained her loyalty. As a result, all the three gods starts to live with her as her sons. After some time, on request of all the gods and goddesses she releases them. The trinity gods before leaving blesses her that portions of themselves would be born as her sons. Later on, she gave birth to Soma as an incarnation of Lord Brahma, Dattatreya as Vishnu’s incarnation and Durvasa as Shiva’s incarnation.

As per other legends, it is believed that Sage Atri performed severe penance along with his wife Anusaya on Trishkul mountain to obtain a son. Pleased with his penance, Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva blessed the sage that all the three gods would be born to him as his sons.

After some time, Sage Atri was blessed with three sons. Lord Brahma incarnated in the form of Soma, Lord Vishnu’s incarnation was Dattatreya and Durvasa was born as an incarnation of Lord Shiva.

General Character of Saint Durvasa
Saint Durvasa kept on testing his devotees. Although he was a great sage, he failed to control his anger which became his weakness. He used to get highly aggressive at small issues sometimes and curse the person without thinking much.

Saint Durvasa cursed Shakuntala as a result of his anger due to which she had to suffer a lot in her life. No one was saved from his anger including gods, demons, general public etc.

Significant incidents of Saint Durvasa’s Life
Saint Durvasa has attained many powers with his hard penance and meditation. He was able to attain great achievements by adhering Ashtang yoga. Many such events of his life were remembered for centuries and became the origin of many other events in sequence.

Saint Durvasa and Kunti
Once Saint Durvasa was pleased with Kunti’s service and so gave her a mantra which enabled her to invoke any god of her choice to beget children by them. As a result of this boon she gave birth to pandavas, who brought significant changes in the history.

Saint Durvasa and Lord Krishna
Once Saint Durvasa decided to test the patience of Lord Krishna. Lord Krishna serves him best without losing patience on saint’s odd demands. One day, Saint Durvasa asks Lord Krishna to apply the left over Kheer (sweet dish made with rice and milk) all over his body. Lord Krishna did as he was instructed and was blessed by a boon. Saint Durvasa blessed him with all the love present in the universe.

Saint Durvasa and Kind Ambarisha
Once Saint Durvasa visited King Ambarisha’s kingdom. The king was observing Ekadashi and Dwadashi fast on that day. After completing the rituals of the fast, the king offered prasad to Saint Durvasa on which the saint asked him to wait until he had finished his bath in the Yamuna river. The auspicious moment soon arrived when the king had to break his fast to fulfill his rite. But, Durvasa had not yet returned from his bath. After consulting the other priests present, the king broke his fast by taking a sip of water.

When saint Durvasa returned, he got angry knowing that the king had broke his fast. He created a demon out of a strand of his hair to kill Ambarisha. The king started remembering Lord Vishnu and as soon as the demon attacked him, his Sudarshan Charkra intervened and killed the demon and started chasing Durvasa.

Durvasa went to Brahma and Shiva for protection. Lord Shiva asked him to meet  Lord Vishnu, as he was the only one who could save him from the chakra. Lord Vishnu advised him to seek the king’s pardon for his mistake. Durvasa took this advise and returned to Ambarisha to apologize. On seeing his condition, King Ambarisha recalls the Sudarshan Chakra. Thus,  protecting Durvasa’s life.

Story 1
In the Brahmanda purana, it has been said that Brahma and Shiva got into a heated argument which triggered Shiva’s wrath. The devas fled from there in fear. Even Parvati felt that it was impossible to handle Shiva in his acute fury. Shiva realized that the situation had gotten out of hand, and he realized the disharmony it was causing and materialized that fury as an embryo in the womb of Anasuya the wife of Sage Atri. That child was born as Durvasa, the name literally meant “one who is difficult to live with” (the name also means ill-clothed, the reference is to Siva wearing the animal hide after killing Gajasura, the demon in the form of an elephant). Durvasa adopted a similar attitude and was quick to curse those he believed did not follow the path of Dharma, but he was able control and discipline his ten thousand disciples and lead them with a discipline, none of whom ever deviated from the path of righteousness.

Story 2 and the different variations
Atri made a great tapascharya on the riksha kulaparvat (kula mountain) because of which the whole world started burning. The Trinity impressed with him and asked him what he wanted, and he demanded that the they be born to him and his wife Anasuya. In Brahma Purana, Atri asked for three sons, and one daughter named Shubhatreyi.  
The Bhagavatha Purana there is a different version of the story. Sage Atri performed extreme penance to appease the Supreme Lord to beget him a child in the Lords form. Extremely pleased with the sage and through the Lords manifestation of Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva, Sage Atri was blessed and Anasuya his wife gave birth to Soma (Brahma), Dhattatreya (Vishnu) who is the three headed deva that represents the Trideva, and Durvasa (Shiva in this Rudra form) as part incarnation of these Tridevas.
Story 3 and the different variations
Anasuya was regarded very highly as a Pativrata, in simple words the most loyal and faithful. The wives of the Tridev, the ‘Tridevi’s Saraswati, Laxmi and Parvati objected to this title being bestowed upon mortal woman as they were the only Maha Sati’s. They wanted to test her about the extent of Anasuya’s faith and thus persuade their husbands to test her. They assumed the guise of 3 sages and went to seek alms at the hermitage of sage Atri while he was away. They told Anasuya that she would have to serve them in the nirlage form (feeding in the nude form). However she was also unable to turn these Rishi’s away and being a married women she was cornered. But with her power of penance she turned these into Rishis into babies and fed them in the nude form as per their request.
The Devis acknowledged her as the highest form of a Pativrata. They acknowledged her as a Maha Sati even greater than them as she had turned mother to the Tridevas. As a boon the Devas were born to her.
In another version, prompted by Narada who praised Anasuya, the Devis got jealous. In this story, when their husbands did not return they went to the Ashrama only to see that their husbands have been turned to Babies. They repented and granted Anasuya the boon that the tridevas would be born to her.
Story 4
A Brahmin named Kaushik lived with his wife in the vicinity of village called Pratishthaan. In course of time he started being obsessed by a prostitute and frequented her mansion most of the time. He was practically living with her, completely ignoring his wife. Soon enough he was diagnosed with Leprosy and was kicked out by this prostitute. His wife without second thoughts took him under her care. But he was still obsessed with her and insisted on meeting the prostitute and went to the extent of asking his wife to take him to that prostitute.
Here on the other side of the story, sage Mandavya was mistaken for a thief and was put to punishment by making him lie on spikes. On their way to the forest and they came upon the Sage who was hit by mistake by Kaushik. Already bitter sage cursed him to die before sunrise. The wife in the power of her devotion stopped sunrise which created havoc in the world. The Devas went to Anasuya and requested her to pacify the Brahmins wife. Anasuya not only convinced the Brahmins wife she also blessed him and bought him back to life. Thus pleased the Tridevas were born to her.
Story 5 and the different variations
Yet another story, Rahu had masked the sun for a long time and the earth was dark. Atri got the sun off Rahus hands thus lighting upthe earth. Thus Shiva and Vishnu as blessing were born as Durvasa and Dattareya.
As a blessing for helping the sun rise in the east everyday Arti and Anasuya were blessed. Soma is called Chandratreya or Chandratre and Durvasa is called Krishnatreya or Krishnatre Dattatreya, as the incarnation of Vishnu, has the power to cause any species to continue.
The three rishes who are called Drekkanas are Narada, Agastya and Durvasa are holders of divine knowledge and represents the free will or courage. These Rishis have influence on our actions and motivations.
Narada: Narada was the son of Brahma. He received the knowledge of Bhakti works on the karmic level. He also deals with creation as we are only created if we have karma to reconcile.
Agastya: Agastya was a great thinker and is thus linked to the mind. He is connected with sattva guna and he works on the mental plane.
Durvasa: Durvasa represents the desires and their abilities to lead us astray. Durvasa is linked to the tamasic guna and works on the physical desires.
In most of the Puranas, Durvasa is shown as partly responsible for decline of the Devas and led to the churning of the ocean. Elsewhere the fight for power between Devas and Asuras is shown as the reason.
As per Vishnu purana, Durvasa was wandering in one of those ecstatic moods when he came across Vidyadhari, an Apsara, who presented him with garland of fragrant Kalpaka flowers (in another version he demanded it off Vidyadhari). Enroute he comes upon Lord Indra who was riding on Airavata his Vahana. On seeing him Durvasa presented the garland he acquired from Vidhyadari to him. Indra took it and put in on Airavata the elephant and his vahana, who, disturbed by the fragrance threw it on the ground and toppled over it. Considering it as an insult, Durvasa cursed Indra to be cast down from his position. Despite Indra’s pleas for forgiveness Durvasa refused to retract or soften his curse. He blamed Sages Gauthama and Vasistha for being the cause of Indra’s pride. As a result Indra and the other Gods started to weaken and they lost their luster soon enough. Seizing the opportunity Asuras under the leadership of Bali attacked the Devas. Helpless against them Devas took solace in Lord Vishnu who advised them to go for a truce with asuras and take their help to churn the milky ocean to get the elixir called the Amrutam and the Lord also assured the Devas that the amrutam will not go the asuras. The devas took Vishnu's advice and called their truce with the asuras, and thus the gods and demons came together for the purpose of churning of the ocean.
The Devas and the asuras fought for 12 days and 12 nights equivalent to 12 human years. Amidst this chaos Lord Vishnu in this Mohini avatara flew away with the Amrutam spilling it over  for places Allahabad (Prayag), Haridwar, Ujjain and Nashik, where even to this day Kumbh (pitcher) Mela is celebrated every 12 years.
Ambareesha was a great devotee of the Lord and pleased with him the Lord had presented him with the Sudarshana Chakra as a shield to protect him whenever he needed it. He was once adhering to the Ekadesi and Dwadeshi Vratham (fasting) for one year such that towards the last three days of final fasting he was not even eating a morsel of food or taking a sip of water. It was around the time of breaking his fast that Durvasa paid him a visit with all his disciples.
Ambareesha welcomed him with due respect and requested him to be his honored guest. Accepting his invitation Durvasa asked him to wait for him while he took a dip in the river. The auspicious moment to break the fast arrived and Durvasa had not returned. Ambareesha was in a dilemma. After consulting with other sages, he took a sip of tulsi water to break to break the fast.
On hearing this, when he did return, Durvasa was enraged. Pulling a strand of his hair he created a Demon called Krtya to kill Ambareesha. The moment the demon came to kill him Sudarshana chakra came to his rescue and killed the demon and in turn started chasing Durvasa. Durvasa, was shocked at the unexpected turn of events and went to seek help from Shiva at Kailasa and from Brahma. Shiva and Brahma both told him that they were helpless against the Sudharshana chakra and advised him to seek refuge in Vishnu who owned the chakra. Durvasa was quite scared by now and worried as he rushed to Vishnu. Vishnu told him that he was a “Bhakta Dasa” and he was helpless in front of the Bhakti of his devotee and he asked the sage to go to Ambareesha himself and seek pardon. When finally he reached Ambareesha, the sage saw that he was still waiting for the sage to break his fast. Durvasa was very humbled by the Bhakti shown by Amareesha and humbly requested Ambareesha to recall the Chakra. Ambareesha without a second thought prayed and thus spared the life of the Durvasa.
In Abhijnanashakuntala, a poetic treatise by Kalidasa, we all know and have heard of how Durvasa cursed Shakuntala. Shakuntala was day dreaming of Dushyant whom she had secretly married, she was missing him and was lost in his thoughts when Durvasa paid visit to the Kanava Ashram. Not getting his due respect and seeing Shakuntala completely lost in thoughts, he cursed her that the person in her thoughts forget her, albeit her lover/husband. Hearing the curse being uttered, her companions and other people in the ashrama try to explain and pacify the sage, who softened down. Though the curse couldn’t be nullified it was softened, Durvasa told them that her husband/lover would remember her when he saw the gift he presented her with. The sage’s curse proved true, but in time things patched up and Dushyant was united with wife Sakunthala and Bharata his son.
In Valmiki Ramayana, he turned up as the cause of death of Lakshmana and eventually Rama. Yama, the god of death, once seeks audience with Rama. He comes in guise of a sage. Before the commencement of the meeting he puts forth a condition that once the meeting commenced their dialogue was to remain confidential, and anyone who entered the room and saw or heard them was to be executed. So while Rama was in dialogue with Yama, Lakshmana stands guard and guess who comes along, Durvasa!!!  He insists on an immediate audience with Rama or the people of Ayodhya would face dire consequence of his curse. Lakshmana tried to pacify him and tried to explain with no results. In the end Lakshmana decided that his life was worth nothing considering the life of the people who would face the wtrath of Durvasa.
So knowing well about the consequence of walking into the meeting he walks in and passes the message to Rama. Rama concluded the meeting with Yama and rushed to attend to the sage and fulfilled his Aditya dharma. Now as per dharma he had execute his brother Lakshmana as promised to Yama. He couldn’t kill his brother but what else could he do? He consulted the elders and as per Sage Vasishta’s advice Lakshmana was asked to leave Rama for good. Abandonment was as good as death for the pious people, they say. Lakshmana who couldn’t bear it all and decided to go in for samadhi on the banks of river Sarayu. It has been said that unseen from all eyes, Lord Indra takes him to heaven.
He was also known to be benevolent with his boons. One such a person to get into that list was Kunti, mother of the Pandavas. Kunti was the adopted daughter of Kuntibhoja. When she was a young giel, Durvasa paid a visit to her father. Kuntibhoja immediately asked Kunti to serve him. Kunti served him well. There is story that goes on to say that once it so happened that Durvasa told her to get the food ready while he bathes and comes back. Durvasa was rather fast and Kunti somehow managed to get his food ready by then but it was still very hot. Durvasa put the hot vessel on the bare back of Kunti to check the heat, who did not flinch even though it was very hot. Durvasa was very pleased with her sincereity and devotion and taught her a Mantra from the Atharva veda by which she could invoke Gods of her choice and beget children by them. To test the mantra she prayed to Surya and gave birth to Karna. Later she had children through Dharmadeva (Yudhishtra), Vayu Deva (Bheema), and Indra (Arjuna). She shared this mantra with Madri, second wife of Pandu, and she had twins by Aswini Kumaras namely, Nakula and Sahadev.

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Krishna too was not sparedof the tests of Durvasa. He tested the level of Krishna’s patience. Krishna patiently serves the sages’ outrageous demands inspite of being prompted. On one occasion he demands Krishna to smear the left over Kheer/payasam his body. However ridiculous a demand Krishna obliged with reverence. He smears it all on his body expect under his feet, for which Durvasa cursed that he would die because of that. Krishna dies with an injury he begot below his feet. Inspite of that the sage was overly impressed by the devotion and blessed him with all the love in the world. :D
Yet in another story, Duvasa visits Krishna and Rukmini in their home. Krishna by then was known as a prefect householder and the sage wanted to test him again. As per aditya maryada Krishna welcomed the sage into his home offered him his own throne as a seat and washed his feet. The sage on his part (to test their patience) was very demanding. He commanded their personal attendance and full attention to which the divine couple obliged with no second thought and with reverence. He demanded for a chariot. Not only did Krishna oblige, he also accompanied him in case the sage wanted something. In another version of the story he made Krishna and Rukmini to draw his chariot too, to the extent used the whip on Rukmini too. Extremely pleased with the duo, he blessed them to be remembered as the embodiment of perfect householders and blessed Rukmini eternal beauty.
This version of the story from the Shiva purana is very different from that we see in the Mahabharata. Once while Durvasa was bathing in river Ganga, his loin cloth was carried away by the underwater current. Draupadi who was there at the scene immediately tore off a piece of her garment so that he could cover himself up. Because of this timely help he granted Draupadi a boon that helped her with an unending stream of cloth to cover her modesty, when Dushasana was trying to strip her in courtroom, at the time when Yudhishtra lost the game of dice to Shakuni.
Duryodhana and shakuni were lucky to have been granted a boon by him. They were able to appeace him. Duryodhana who was obsessed with the destruction of Pandavas requested Durvasa rishi to visit the Pandavas the forest. He knew there would not have any morsel of food left to serve them as those days Pandavas relied on Akshaya patra for their daily food and once Draupadi had eaten the food would cease to exist. Duryodhana secretly hoped that the sage would curse them. In some version of the strory, Draupadi is replaced by Kunti.
When Sage Duvasa turned up in the forest, the Pandavas were unsure as to what had to be done, for they feared his temper. Draupadi prayed frantically to Lord Krishna, who appeared immediately in front of her asking for food. By then she expatiated the situation to Krishna who asked her to get the Akshya patra. Krishna calmly took the vessel and found a lone grain of rice and vegetable, which he consumed. There Durvasa who had finished their bath found that they were hungry no more; but in fact they felt completely full. So they went away without returning to the Pandavas as they wouldn’t be able to refuse the food they offered and they were in no condition to eat.
The following story is not part of puranas or Vedas. This is story based on a folklore of Gujarat.
After Krishna’s departure from this world, Udhava goes to Badkrikashrama to part take in the discourses that were happening there. While Narayana was giving discourses there, sage Durvasa came there from Mt. Kailash. The sages and saints were so engrossed the discourse that no one really saw him. He waited for quite some time to be acknowledged, but nobody noticed him. He was very angry and cursed the entire aseembly of the sages saying that they would be born as mortals and suffer insult and agony from the wicked. Narayanas parents Dharma and Bhaki pacifies him and sage Durvasa softens his curse and tells them that they will be born as parents of Swaminarayana and his birth will relieve all from the clutches of evil. Dharma and Bhakti were eventually born as Hariprasad Pande and Premvati Pande. Narayana was born as their son, named Ghanshyam, who came to be known as Swaminarayan.

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