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Vasishta is the guru of Devas (or the demigods) and also the guru of Surya Vamsha (one ancient dynasty in India which is supposed to have originated from the sun god) who is the protector and preceptor of all Bharata Varsha ( The land and people of India).

He is a Maha Guru who was enlightened to the highest degree and he is the eternal guru for any souls who would be humble and willing to accept divine knowledge, and who is true to their motives and intentions. The Yoga Vasishta or Vasishta sudha is one of the most important books of spirituality, in which it is explained that knowledge is the only means to eternity and enlightenment and all the other means lead one to heaven and after a predetermined time, they are destined to fall back to earth in a human body according to their own desires.

Yoga Vasishta is the teachings of Sage Vasishta to Rama, to pave way for his enlightenment. As Rama has become disinterested in worldly enjoyments, he feels lonely and dejected in spite of all the comforts around him. Sage Vasishta understands that it is the proper time to make him understand the deeper meaning of life and he starts his narration of the origin and maintenance of this world by similes and wonderful stories. Then he describes him the worlds beyond and the definitions of space, time, effort, the reality of gods, godheads, and the ultimate supreme consciousness.

Sage vasishta as a Brahmarshi (The knower and enjoyer of Brahman) is eternal and he directly originates from each creator god (Brahma) as Brahma originates in each universal cycle after pralaya. He was requested to be the advisor of ‘Surya’ Vamsha (Surya lineage of Kings), but he politely refused the offer in the beginning; as he was not interested in material positions or enjoyments. But his originator Brahma requested him to be for the next avatara (The supreme consciousness in a perfect pattern born in three dimensions) was due to be born in the surya lineage as ‘Rama’. He accepted the offer then, and waited for the right time, when Rama would be disinterested enough in material enjoyments, so that he could be the one to teach him the ultimate truth.

Reading Yoga Vasishta is essential for a spiritual aspirant who never wanted to or would believe at any cost the supremacy of any mind, power or consciousness over our own will power; as there are no scriptures in this present world which describes the real truth like Yoga Vasishta. It is written for a seeker who is totally knowledge oriented and it minces words to tell you that you are nothing in this world or you have to bend down to God to be on the top of things. It instead encourages you to be yourself and to become armed with knowledge and knowledge only; as Jnanayoga (Knowledge pathway of union with self) is the only real way for spiritual realization.

All the other scriptures including vedas, upanishads, sacred documents of the east, hieroglyphics or cuneiform writings distributed all over the world would only give you an incomplete idea about the origin, maintenance and creation of the world by seeing directly from the supreme consciousness, but Yoga Vasishta is a special writing by someone who is seeing all this from the ultimate point, and so he describes it as ‘nothing and everything’- as the words really shine away from it.

The writing is perfect for those who are not willing to bend down in front of anything, as the scripture gives pure and raw knowledge and never advises an individual to worship or believe in it; if he cannot make his mind do it. Rather, the individual is asked to believe hundred percent in whatever he wants but first he is asked to know about the reality of the things he can see and he cannot see in this universe.

The logic of perfection even by lack of belief in the supreme consciousness is by the fact that even if an individual believes in the supreme power or not, it still continues to reside in his heart and as the mind with which the individual thinks is directly derived from the supreme consciousness only, the thoughts would make suitable worlds like the one we are presently living or would live, for the individual mind; so that it can enjoy the fruits of its effort in a Nirakara Brahman ( Supreme Consciousness without any qualities).

Guruji. A. Sivaguru Swamy
Whatsapp Skype IMO 9963334337 Facetime 9346346956 
Skype – sivaguruswamy29         
45/2, Opp.Railway Station, Sirkali Tq, Vaitheeswaran Koil, 
Naagai Dist, Tamilnadu–609 117 
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