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James Watson



James Dewey Watson (born April 6, 1928) is an American molecular biologistgeneticist and zoologist, best known as one of the co-discoverers of the structure of DNA in 1953 with Francis Crick and Rosalind Franklin. Watson, Crick, and Maurice Wilkins were awarded the 1962 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine "for their discoveries concerning the molecular structure of nucleic acids and its significance for information transfer in living material".

Childhood & Early Life
·   James D. Watson was born in Chicago, Illinois, on April 6, 1928, as the only son of Jean (Mitchell) and James D. Watson, a businessman descended mostly from colonial English immigrants to America.
·    His mother's father, Lauchlin Mitchell, a tailor, was from GlasgowScotland, and her mother, Lizzie Gleason, was the child of Irish parents from Tipperary.[18] Raised Catholic, he later described himself as "an escapee from the Catholic religion."[19] Watson said, "The luckiest thing that ever happened to me was that my father didn't believe in God.”
·   Watson grew up on the south side of Chicago and attended public schools, including Horace Mann Grammar School and South Shore High School.[16][21] He was fascinated with bird watching, a hobby shared with his father,[22] so he considered majoring in ornithology.[23] Watson appeared on Quiz Kids, a popular radio show that challenged bright youngsters to answer questions.[24] Thanks to the liberal policy of University president Robert Hutchins, he enrolled at the University of Chicago, where he was awarded a tuition scholarship, at the age of 15.
·   After reading Erwin Schrödinger's book What Is Life? in 1946, Watson changed his professional ambitions from the study of ornithology to genetics.[26] Watson earned his BS degree in Zoology from the University of Chicago in 1947.[23] In his autobiography, Avoid Boring People, Watson described the University of Chicago as an "idyllic academic institution where he was instilled with the capacity for critical thought and an ethical compulsion not to suffer fools who impeded his search for truth", in contrast to his description of later experiences.
·   In 1947 Watson left the University of Chicago to become a graduate student at Indiana University, attracted by the presence at Bloomington of the 1946 Nobel Prize winner Hermann Joseph Muller, who in crucial papers published in 1922, 1929, and in the 1930s had laid out all the basic properties of the heredity molecule that Schrödinger presented in his 1944 book.[27] He received his PhD degree from Indiana University in 1950; Salvador Luriawas his doctoral advisor.

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·   Originally, Watson was drawn into molecular biology by the work of Salvador Luria. Luria eventually shared the 1969 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for his work on the Luria–Delbrück experiment, which concerned the nature of genetic mutations. He was part of a distributed group of researchers who were making use of the viruses that infect bacteria, called bacteriophages. He and Max Delbrück were among the leaders of this new "Phage Group," an important movement of geneticists from experimental systems such as Drosophila towards microbial genetics. Early in 1948, Watson began his PhD research in Luria's laboratory at Indiana University.[28] That spring, he met Delbrück first in Luria's apartment and again that summer during Watson's first trip to the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory (CSHL).
·    In 1949, Watson took a course with Felix Haurowitz that included the conventional view of that time: that genes were proteins and able to replicate themselves.
·   The other major molecular component of chromosomes, DNA, was widely considered to be a "stupid tetranucleotide," serving only a structural role to support the proteins.[32] However, even at this early time, Watson, under the influence of the Phage Group, was aware of the Avery–MacLeod–McCarty experiment, which suggested that DNA was the genetic molecule. Watson's research project involved using X-rays to inactivate bacterial viruses.
·   The experiments, which Watson had learned of during the previous summer's Cold Spring Harbor phage conference, included the use of radioactive phosphate as a tracer to determine which molecular components of phage particles actually infect the target bacteria during viral infection.
·   In 1951, the chemist Linus Pauling in California published his model of the amino acid alpha helix, a result that grew out of Pauling's efforts in X-ray crystallography and molecular model building.

Major Work
·   In mid-March 1953, using, in part, experimental data collected mainly by Rosalind Franklin and also by Maurice Wilkins, Watson and Crick deduced the double helix structure of DNA.[16][41] Sir Lawrence Bragg,[42] the director of the Cavendish Laboratory (where Watson and Crick worked), made the original announcement of the discovery at a Solvay conference on proteins in Belgium on April 8, 1953; it went unreported by the press. Watson and Crick submitted a paper entitled Molecular Structure of Nucleic Acids: A Structure for Deoxyribose Nucleic Acid to the scientific journal Nature, which was published on April 25, 1953.
·   In 1968, Watson wrote The Double Helix,[51] listed by the Board of the Modern Library as number seven in their list of 100 Best Nonfictionbooks.[52] The book details the sometimes painful story of not only the discovery of the structure of DNA, but also the personalities, conflicts and controversy surrounding their work. Watson's original title was to have been "Honest Jim", in that the book recounts the discovery of the double helix from his point of view and included many of his private emotional impressions at the time. Some controversy surrounded the publication of the book. Watson's book was originally to be published by the Harvard University Press, but Francis Crick and Maurice Wilkins objected, among others. Watson's home university dropped the project and the book was commercially published.
·   In 1968, Watson became the Director of the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory (CSHL). Between 1970 and 1972, the Watsons' two sons were born, and by 1974, the young family made Cold Spring Harbor their permanent residence. Watson served as the laboratory's director and president for about 35 years, and later he assumed the role of chancellor and then Chancellor Emeritus.

Awards and Honours
·         EMBO Membership in 1985
·         Charles A. Dana Award, 1994
·         Copley Medal of the Royal Society, 1993
·         CSHL Double Helix Medal Honoree, 2008
·         Eli Lilly Award in Biological Chemistry, 1960
·         Fellow of the New York Academy of Sciences
·         Gairdner Foundation International Award, 2002
·         Heald Award
·         Honorary Fellow, the Hastings Center, an independent bioethics research institution
·         Hope Funds for Cancer Research: James D. Watson Award of Excellence for Scientific Achievement (2014)
·         Irish America Hall of Fame, inducted March 2011
·         John Collins Warren Prize of the Massachusetts General Hospital
·         John J. Carty Award in molecular biology from the National Academy of Sciences
·         Kaul Foundation Award for Excellence
·         Liberty Medal, 2000
·         Lomonosov Gold Medal, 1994
·         Lotos Club Medal of Merit, 2004
·         Mendel Medal, 2008
·         National Biotechnology Venture Award
·         National Medal of Science, 1997
·         New York Academy of Medicine Award, 1999
·         Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine, 1962
·         Othmer Gold Medal (2005)
·         Presidential Medal of Freedom, 1977
·         Research Corporation Prize
·         University of Chicago Alumni Medal, 1998
·         University College London Prize, 2000
·         University Medal at SUNY Stony Brook

Personal Life & Legacy
·   Watson is an atheist.In 2003, he was one of 22 Nobel Laureates who signed the Humanist Manifesto.
·   It was discovered in 2014that Watson's genome, as sequenced and released to the public in 2008, contains traces of the HIV-1 retrovirus, indicating that he may be HIV positive. However, there does remain the possibility of laboratory cross-contamination.
·   Watson married Elizabeth Lewis in 1968. They have two sons, Rufus Robert Watson (b. 1970) and Duncan James Watson (b. 1972). Watson sometimes talks about his son Rufus, who suffers from schizophrenia. He wants to encourage progress in the understanding and treatment of mental illness by determining how genetics contribute to it.

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