Best Kagabujandar Nadi Vaitheeswaran Koil

Secret of Breath In Hinduism breathing is distinguished in two types those are, breathing through right and the left nostril. Breathing through right nostril is known as suryanadi , that of the sun and is supposed to be warm. Breathing left nostril is known as chandranadi , that of the moon and is supposed to be cold. Breath comes out through one nostril for two hours and for the next two hours comes out from other nostril. The actions or activities happening are influenced accordingly. During the first day of a certain month, at morning 6 am the suryanadi commences and thus the calculation is made to ascertain whether suryanadi or chandranadi . We can also ascertain it by feeling the breath at the back of our hand or finger. The auspicious activities during suryanadi are – on an important commercial transaction, during mangalasnanam (marriage bath), nuptial night ( shanthi muhurtham or suhag rath ) of newly married couple. It is good to consume food while suryanad...